>>Sunday, May 14, 2006<<
Happy Mothers Day!!
I want to wish everyone a Happy mothers day!! Today is actually hard for me. I have had a migraine for 3 days now. It is not your average headache...it is like a thousand men in my head doing massive construction. I prayed that it would go away last night so that I could wake up and enjoy Mothers Day. Unfortunately, instead of taking my Mom out for breakfast, she is coming over now to babysit while I go to the ER to get a shot. This has happened a couple of times. I get them so bad that it is terrible. That is why this post is so short. Just asking for some prayers that I can get back on my feet quickly. I have a lot of people depending on me. And I am very upset that I can't take my own Mother out.

Anyway....Hope everyone else is having a great Mothers Day!!. Remember...all women are Mothers!!!

Blogger Maggie said...
I hope the shot does the trick and you're feeling better soon, Caroline. Happy Mother's Day.

Blogger ipodmomma said...
prayers are with you....

Blogger A Room to Grow said...
hope you are feeling better.

i went through a summer with migraines and all i could do is lay down in a dark room for hours until they went away.

i went for a drive along the coast (leucadia to solana beach and back) this morning & thought of you... it was a perfect morning for coffee / surfer watching.

Blogger Jennefer said...
Is it unusual for you to get these headaches? Have you had them before? I hope you are feeling better. Perhaps you just need a rest. ~Prayers~

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am definitely sending you out a prayer for some peace and serinity. I hope you feel better so you can write some more vastly entertaining "child raising" stuff for me to read. This is my new check in place everyday! I love your writing and think your life is great!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hope you are feeling better and that getting the shot helped. What a lousy way to spend your first mother's day as Nikolai's mom. Hope tomorrow is better.

Blogger megz_mum said...
Sorry to hear of your migraine - they are all consuming , aren't they! Maybe you should have a "happy un-mother's day" next week as in Alice in Wonderland's happy un-birthday!

Blogger Deb said...
Hope you are feeling better. Dave gets migraines sometimes and they are awful.
Can you e-mail me, when you get a chance, about your agency they contacted me and I have some questions. dd03brown@yahoo.com

Blogger Nicole said...
What a wonderful thing you have done! I tried to post under "special needs", but had difficulties. Your son is beautiful (as is your family), and he is lucky to have such a wonderful mother. One who accepts him for him. I have a special place in my heart for these stories as my son is considered 'special needs' by some. Thank you for sharing your story - I've added you to my favorites list!!!